Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Important Dates

March 27-29- Spring Break We will see you bright and early Monday morning, April 1st! 
April 8-12 MAP Spirit Week
    Monday-Movie Star (Dress up as your favorite character or celebrity)
    Tuesday-Madagascar (Dress in animal prints)
    Wednesday-Pajama Day
    Thursday-Beach Day
    Friday-Black Tie Formal Wear
(more information coming soon!)
April 16, 17, 18-MAP (Missouri Assessment Program)
Only 11 school days until we test!  For more information on the MAP test, you can visit DESE's site at http://dese.mo.gov/ccr/MAP-info-4-parents.html  This is an information page for parents.
April 26-Professional Development, No School
May 10-Banana Split Party AM  (everyone attends and receives what they've earned)
May 10-Bowling Party pm (Students who have passed all of multiplication Rocket Math and the Big Sheet will be allowed to attend)

* Make Up Snow Days-April 1 and May 15, 16, 17.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Valentine's Day!

Don't forget to bring those Valentine boxes and cards tomorrow!  The party will begin after 2:00 pm.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Our Daily Life in Pictures

I've had a little difficulty getting my phone and computer to communicate with each other to share photos, but hopefully you can see what we are working on in 3rd grade!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Pumpkin Patch Pictures!

The Internet finally decided to like me!
We had such a great time at Fischer Farms Pumpkin Patch and Corn Maze!

This is the map we had to follow to get out of the maze.  Oh my!!

On our way home we stopped at the park to eat.  While others finished up the kids got ot play on the equipment.

Our bunch!

These are just some candid shots while we were there!

Pumpkin picking!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Weekly Notes Oct. 22-25

Lots of fun things happening in third grade!

*Parent Teacher Conferences are today 12-6 and tomorrow 8-11. 

*Be on the look out for our new newsletter that comes home on Fridays! 

*Our pumpkin patch field trip is November 2 in Jefferson City.  Be sure and wear clothes they can get muddy/dirty in.  They will be roaming through a pumpkin patch, finding their way through a corn maze, jumping in a big box of corn kernels and romping in the mud.  Good times!

Here is a look at our week.

Reading- We can use details from a story to make inferences about a character.  Making an inference is like “reading between the lines”.
*  Writing- We have used our five senses while describing things. We even got to eat candy bars!
*  Spelling-We used ea and eigh for our long ‘a’ spelling pattern.
*  Math- We finished up Ch. 2 and all students will be returning to our room!
*  Science-We learned about the digestive, muscular, nervous, integumentary and skeletal systems.

Working on some sequencing strips for the book "Today was a Terrible Day" by Patricia Reilly Giff.

A sneak peek at the pumpkin patch we are going to on Friday.  My sister in law and I took the kids there!

This is just the small hay maze, the corn maze is MUCH bigger.  I'd never find my little guy in it though!