Thursday, October 18, 2012

Music Program Reminder!

It's finally here!  Third grade's music program, "Lights! Camera! Action!" is tonight!

Your kids have worked hard on this music program.  Let me tell you, it's amazing!  We have gone to the Performing Arts Center twice this week and practiced for the real deal.  I am so excited for you to see it!

Please have your child at the High School band room by 6:45, wearing their yellow shirt they brought home today tucked into a nice pair of blue jeans (per Mrs. Friedrich).  The curtain will open at 7:00 p.m.  The program should only last around 30 minutes but you will enjoy every minute. 

Prepare to be dazzled!

Want a little sneak peek?  That's what I thought. :)

(These were taken during our dress rehearsal for 2nd grade this morning.)

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